Friday, October 7, 2011


At the place of my business I work what is called the Grave shift, which really translates to, "the shift that sucks, makes you tired 24/7 and will not allow you to see your family as much as you want to."  As you can see I dont really like the shift that i have, in fact I hate it, I hate it a lot.  My whole body is all out of whack, Im always tired and feeling like poo, its no bueno.

On to other things.

Does anyone else have a Google+ account???
I have to say that it is an intresting thing, I still haven't figured out the little things about it but its getting better and better day after day.  Im liking it more and more, I think that one of the main reasons I like it so much is because not everyone is on it and that is good, I'd rather they all stay over at Facebook instead.  As of late I have become the type of person that really doesn't want people whom I work with to know what I do or what kind of stuff I am posting.  People talk, and a lot of people cant keep anything to themselves and that pisses me off to no end.  I think its because I am not a nosy person there fore I at it when people are nosy and try to get into my business.  If I want you to know what i did over my weekend wouldn't I just tell you?

Well, looks like tonight was just a rant, oh well.

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