Monday, October 3, 2011

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Oh my lanta, it is funny when I over hear my employee's talking shit about other employee's for things they do just as much as that employee.  Fudging priceless, these are the idiots that I work with.  Of course not all of them are idiots, just a majority, the rest who are not are actually good and awesome people to be around and people who's throats I don't want to rip out...  Just saying.

Into other news, I have been sick and drinking gratuitous amounts of green tea in order to make myself feel better(more of a placebo effect then a real one).  I love the way that it tastes, its like gold inside of my mouth, no wait.  Like a cloud wrapped in gold and then put into my mouth, yeah, its that good.  Its seems that my first cold of the year is coming to me in stages, I already have gone thru the shitty sore throat that leads to ear ache portion and am now in the stuffy nose that drips and drips and drips stage.  But at least I'm not hurting anymore and that is all that counts.

Random Note:  I need to fill out my FAFSA form ASAP!!!!

I think the next blog will be Powers Part 2, I'm just saying.  I have been thinking of more powers that I think would be awesome, I might even do a Lame Powers section, but who knows.

I've been trying to figure out some sort of business that I could start up, what kind of product I could sell and how I would go about selling said products.  I've been putting in some serious thought into this.  I am tired of working for people, I want to be my own boss and forge my own path instead of having to listen to people who I do not respect and who do not respect me.  Any ideas?  I would love to open up a hobby shop for like table top games and card games and all of the above game wise.  The only problem is where I live, the area is horrible for that sort of thing, most stores with these types of products don't generally last very long and die a horrible gruesome death.  Like they always say, its all about location, location, LOCATION!!!!!!!!


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