Friday, October 28, 2011


So I have been looking for new YouTube channels to subscribe to as of lately and i recently have gotten into some videos made by a YouTuber by the name of Onision.  His videos are completely random but so so so awesome at the same time.  The funny thing is that at first I kind of thought his videos were shit, but after checking out a bunch of the other videos he has I just kind of grew to love the stuff that he puts out.  So I highly recommend that you check him out and check out his channel as well, I don't really think that you will be disappointed and if you are, well then you can suck my wiener.

Another thing is that I have recently started to Vlog as well as doing this written blog, if you are interested in checking out my Vlog you can see it at
I have recently been trying to keep a lot of my other pages with the same name as this and my YouTube page that way its just the same thing for all of my sites.  The only page that doesn't really go by this is my Twitter which is @Aflarida(FOLLOW ME!!!).  But anyways, check out my other pages.

Back to writing and not shamelessly plugging my other sites...

So as of recent I have been growing my hair out, I am pretty set on this because it has been a long time since I have had longer hair and to be honest I just want to see what it would look like.  Its funny because I am in the awkward Beatles hair phase where you just look like a good with a bowl cut.  This is the hardest part for me to get past because I realize that I look kind of ridiculous but I know that I just have to stay with it and get past the stupid looking hair phase.  I have also been thinking about how I will cut it if I do decide to cut my hair and I have concluded that I will be giving myself(Actually a hair salon will be giving me a mullet).  I have thought long and hard on this and have come to the conclusion that mullets are FUCKING AWESOME!!!!  fact fact fact...

That's all for today, enjoy the rest of your night, PEACE!!!!!!!!!

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