Sunday, May 6, 2012

Trying to Get Fit

So recently I have noticed that my gut has gotten just a little bit out of control.  Now, the people who know me are probably like, "What?!  You are skinny as fuck!".  Unfortuantly that is not the case.  So I decided to start doing some cardio, push up's and sit up's recently and I feel a little bit better, granted I have only been doing this for the last three days.  We are fortunate to have a pool in the condo complex that we live in so I have been swimming a bunch of laps after I get home from work.  This led me to a discovery.  I am horribly out of shape and I would suppose that I am in the worst shape of my life.  Now i'm not morbidly obese or something like that, I just know that my body could be a bit better then it is as of now.  So I have been doing a lot of swimming and to be honest I had forgotten how good of a workout it actually is.  When I am done with the set amount of laps that I choose I usually feel wiped out, especially for the last two days but today was definitely different.  I felt way better after today's swim then I have the last two days.  I think my body is starting to get used to some sort of exercise again.  And well, push up's and sit up's are easy enough to do so that's why I have been doing those as well.  It's time to pump me up and slim me down.

Well, I don't have anything else big to share so lets do quickie news, I haven't done that in a while.

1)  My youngest son has started to walk, it's amazing but he is now getting into everything and anything

2)  About a month ago we welcomed a new niece to the family, my sister in law gave birth to such a beautiful little girl.

3)  My sister is going to be staying with my mom for about two months sometime next month until her classes start up again.  I cant wait to see her.

4)  I think I am finally out of that honeymoon phase at my new job, but I am still loving the job.

5)  I have also met up with a lot of people I went to school with thanks to this new job.  All of them have been super nice.  A big thank you to all of you.

That's all for tonight everyone.  Until next time.

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