Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thor and Thor

So as you may have guessed from my title I have finally watched Thor, I bought the Blue-ray version since I have a PS3 and I like to pamper myself with Blue-ray movies.  Just as a side not I have yet to watch any of the spacial features and will only be talking about the movie, my opinion on the movie and other random tid bits of said movie.  On to the MOVIE!!!!!!

Just a little bit of history before we start.  Thor is the son of Odin, both are from Norse mythology.  Odin is basically God and Thor would be like Jesus in the sense that he is Odin's son.  Thor has a mighty hammer called Mjölnir, next to Odin's own weapons this hammer is supposed to have no equal and is a powerful relic of Odin's which he gave to his son Thor.  In the Marvel Universe Thor retains his same mythological status and so does Odin, when it comes to the Marvel Universe comic wise I don't know a lot about Thor and his back story other then he is an actual God and before the events leading to his death he was only using about 10-20% of his actual power due to the ferocity of his power.  Now on to the movie.

This movie was a lot better then I thought it would be, first off I heard a lot of negative things about this movie from multiple parties and decided to listen to them until recently.  I now regret listening to those cwacks due to how awesome the movie actually was.  I know this is going to sound retarded but visually it was nice to look at, especially when they were on their home planet, so many colors, ohhhhhhhhhhh.  Another thing that I thought was done right was the matter of asgardyins being more of an advanced race rather than actual God's, this gave the movie more of a grounded feeling and made the characters seem more human as opposed to God like.  Anyways, I am losing my focus.  During Thor's assension to King ceremony, the main villains of the movie the Ice Giants try to steal an artifact that was originally theres that Odin had taken from them which cause Thor's ceremy to not happen.  This also causes a rift between Thor and Odin due to Thor wanting to take action and Odin wanted to sit idile and see what the frost giants try next.  Fuck I hate doing these reviews, you know what, just watch the dang movie because if I go on I will ruin the movie for you and you will know everything that happens.  All you really need to know is Thor was awesome, watch the damn movie and revel in its glory.  NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks(Give me a Minute)

I'm not really sure whats up with the title of this blog but what ever, I thought I should make it make no sense what so ever in relation to my Thanksgiving.  So on to how my Thanksgiving was today...  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!  I ate of shit load and when I was done I was really feeling it, felt like my stomach had expanded to unhumanly proportioned levels.  But oh my gosh was the turkey awesome and all of the other food that accompanied the turkey as well.  I know that my youngest son was enjoying himself some mashed potatoes, he was trying to get to the spoon before we could even get the food into his mouth.  Crazy 6 month old.  Plus, it's always great to see my whole family, to get to see people who I only get to see one or two times a year and they got to see my kids for the first time which was pretty awesome.  It's always nice to get compliments on how cute or beautiful your children are.  I know that they got passed around left and right, everyone wanted a chance to hold them and play with them and just do family things with them.  Except for pinch their cheeks, I'm pretty sure that I am the only one who does that to my kids.

Oh my lanta it is God awfully hot in my office tonight.  I just thought that you should know.

Soooooooooo the damn 49er's lost today to the Ravens(sad face).  Ugh, well I guess being 9-2 isn't that bad but I really wanted them to go the rest of the season without losing a game.  Realistically that was not a sound thought, not at the least.  I just hope that we haven't lost our momentum, lets get it together for next Monday and secure the W!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and to all of you at the Black Friday events going on, I just want to wish you good luck and hope that you get all of the shit that you want and that you don't have to beat up some over weight soccer mom for it or some dude who still lives in his parents basement.  From what I hear, people can get pretty crazy on the Black Friday sales, so good luck to you all and God speed.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Being a supervisor and having a crew of people that are under my wing is nice and always has its perks, but there are times where it sucks due to having to be"Nuetral" like the Swiss.  There are always things I want to say but I cant let them out due to being rude, mean or affending someone with the bitter truth and having them take me to HR for something so stupid as them making fun of someone and me sticking up for said person why they are not around.  A lot of times you get the older sibling line that I used to get from my mother, "You should be setting a better example for other people."  God I hate that line, but it is what comes with the territory and it is just part of the job, I have come to terms with it even if my tongue is bleeding half the time I am here at work.

I had soccer today, it was fun and I ran a lot more then I did the last time all of us got together, hell I even scored a goal which was pretty nifty.  But, I let three goals happen when I was playing goalie which in turned pissed me off a lot, thats my only job and I let THREE thru, ugh.  League should be starting either next Monday or the first week of December depending on if the captins can get together and due their little draft.  I'm hoping that my friend Jose who happenes to be a captin puts me on his team because after my performance tonight I dont think that I will be picked up by anyone else, oh and no one really knows who I am so that helps me out a little bit as well.

It's my Friday tonight which means that my weekend is nigh, it's going to be good getting a full two days off tonight rather then one.  Look at me complaining even though my one day off last week was my choice that way I could get an owed day off, silly me.  I see a lot of Skyrim in my weekend, but we will see what my little bosses have planned for me.  Until next time.


So, I'm going to do something different today.  I'm currently reviving an old band with some old friends and here are some lyrics that I have for this project.  Enjoy.

This is an ode to the fallen our brothers in arms
The ones that we will never see again

Where have you gone, is there a place in mind is it peaceful now
All of our Friends have fallen, am I the last to survive
It seems I have to pick up this banner and continue the fight
If I don't do it then who will stand, who will speak their mind
We've come into times of silenced lambs by the lions hands
Once they take our pride we will have nothing left
But a shell of a broken man and a memory of a broken land

Someday, we'll join you again, and make our amends
The joy's that you are will be made real again
again and again
again and again

I've seen the injustice in front of my own eye's
Watching you die was the hardest thing to see
It's not being able to help that hurt me the most
And then watching everything fall apart all around
There's a void inside, sometimes I forget that your gone
Then suddenly I remember the shock of seeing you
Alive and wrapped up in that hospital bed but not really there
Although you were there you were a hollow shell
Of the man you used to be, rudely taken away from us
By idiots not paying attention to the life in front of them

Someday, we'll join you again, and make our amends
The joy's that you are will be made real again
again and again
again and again

One day we will come to terms with what happened that day
And I will stop reliving that day int he hospital
Your image ingrained in my mind forever there to haunt me
Sometimes I wish I didn't see you like that
My last memory of you tainted due to negligence
If I could exact revenge on the one's who did this to you
I would do it in a heart beat, stain my hands
But I cant and I will always regret that fact

Let me know what you think, feedback is always a welcome thing with me, until the next time^_^

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Just got done watching Limitless, holly shit that was a good movie, if it wasn't for a friend at work telling me to watch it I wouldn't have given it a try.  I know this is going to sound hella gay but Bradley Cooper is a beast, I think I have a man crush but then I remember him from Wedding Crashers and it goes away.  Anyways, I'm getting off track here.  Go watch Limitless, its on Netflix so if you have that then watch it there, if not then find it somewhere on the internet for free or go to Blockbuster, DO IT!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, here is a random picture of me taken a couple of days ago.

I started up a mage in Skyrim.  I've decided to just try different classes now to really see which ones I like and which ones I do not.  Not to mention that there are so many different kinds of characters that you can make that it gets kind of ridiculous but oh well, I'm going to make this shit legit...
TO LEGIT TO QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my lanta, I've got nothing left, I cant think of anything to write so I guess this is it for today, sorry for the short blog.  Maybe next time I will make it bigger.  I'm going to leave you with a picture, ENJOY.

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Schedule

So i have been thinking of some kind of a schedule for writing my blog posts, like certain days that I write something.  Maybe something like Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  I don't know, like i said for now it is just an idea in my little head of heads.  I'm also looking to add more pictures to this blog as well, that means that I will have to start writing more of these at home, for the most part I really only write these at work and very rarely at home, yesterday was one of those occasions.  I mean, this site has so much more to offer and by only doing text based blogs with nothing but text(this sentence was redundant) I am only hurting myself.  SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!  I could even post some of my youtube videos onto this blog, unfortunately none of the ones I have made yet but once I start making legit videos that have been edited via some sort of editing software then I think we will be in business.

Speaking of videos, I have a ton of ideas video wise that I hope to be making withing the next 6 months so look out for those little bastards for sure.

Also music.  It seems that I will hopefully be getting together with an old friend of mine to write some new tunes and bring back an old band of mine that I was in hella days ago called Forgotten Masterpiece.  Its going to be myself(Anthony) and Tim, you probably have no idea who this band is being as you most likely don't know me so check out because that is were the blunt of the music is at.  Now, the music up on that site is not what we are going to sound like, the two of us are going to evolve it into something new and awesome(I love that word).  Its going to be a new take on Forgotten Masterpiece so don't be disappointed when we sound nothing like we used to sound if you used to listen to us back in the day.

Quick question for you guys before I end this.  Do you think I put enough content in these posts or should I be putting more in here?  I'm talking text and picture wise, let me know what you think in the comments below.

Until next time.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Its Dentist Day

So i have an appointment for the dentist today at 4:40pm, actually in about 25 minutes.  I have to get three fillings done so I'm not to excited but you gotta do what you gotta do right?  Recently I have had a teeth cleaning, three wisdom teeth removed and one periodontal cleaning done which was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I actually like going to this dentist, his office is pretty bad ass not to mention it is in an old furnished house and they always have hella coffee and bottled water for their patients to drink.  Oh yeah, did I mention that his staff is awesome to, all really down to earth people who will joke around with you.  The wife and I both like the place a lot.  Speaking of the wife, here is a picture of us on our wedding day...

I feel like i should be adding more pictures in this blog, so there is the first one, a cute wedding day pic, now go puke from how adorable it is.

Its pretty crazy that Thanksgiving is next week, my family and I will be spending the day at my aunts house in Modesto.  Oh my how I love Thanksgiving, I eat soooooo much, more then one moan should be able to physically eat but somehow I get the job done.  Its kind of random but every year since I was about 10 years old I have always received one of the turkey legs no matter what, it is my favorite part of the turkey to be honest.  For some reason the family always goes along with this, its kind of like turned into a little tradition of my own for Thanksgiving.  Not to mention getting to see all of my family, ah yeah, ITS FAMILY TIME BITCH's!!!!!!!!!!!  That's really what the holidays are about to me, I could care less about food or presents, I care more about seeing the family that I grew up with who I now only get to see 3 times a year due to everyone's lives being busy, I guess that is what happens when you get older right?  Anyways, its about time for me to leave, so i leave you with a picture of my son doused in baby powder.  Enjoy and happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Skyrim and Soccer

It's a weird mix and I realize that but that is kind of how my day went.  I got home from work and played a little bit of Skyrim while my 6 month old was swinging in his little baby swing.  It was nice...

NOW MY OPINION ON SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!!!(place explosion after the all caps)

Compared to its predecessor The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Skyrim is a much much(sooo much) better game in every aspect that you can compare it to.  Graphics(check), sound(check), fighting(check), inner game mechanics(check) and fap material(check?).  I know that I haven't gotten a whole lot of time with it due to being a dad and doing the whole daddy thing along with time for work and other activities but what time I have had I have been enjoying the hell out of the game.  It's just fun and still retains a level of serious-ness that makes you want to know what happens next, and then if you want you can be all like, "F you story line, I'm just going to go out and explore for no apparent reason!"  Its fantastical, whimsical and some would even say orgasmicle.  This is a game that I think almost everyone can get into, it's not as nerdy and complex as the last game and its way more user friendly with much better explanations about how the world works and the multiple crafting systems.  I know in my heart of hearts that I will be playing this game for months to come, maybe even years, who knows, only time will tell.

Next on the agenda.

I went to a pick up soccer game tonight at a local indoor roller hockey arena that we have near where I live, I have not played soccer in ages but it was still a blast.  Actually at one point my legs gave out on me which was a first for me, very weird feeling to be honest.  It was like someone was putting more and more weights on my legs with each step that I took until I fell to my knees which I imagine looked pretty funny for the people who were watching.  After that I went back to playing goalie which to be honest, I was kicking ass in and i even got a compliment which was a nice little treat.  In the end I had a blast and will be going back every Monday night, in fact they are going to do a league which I will most likely be joining with a buddy of mine so I have that to look forward to.  EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!

That's kind of my day in a nut shell, until next time have a good one.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Passing

I woke up to some news tonight of an old co-worker who passed away.  It's crazy because just 2 months ago she was going strong here at work and then she kind of disapeered, I figured that she went to a different shift.  Then I got the news of her passing.  It's amazing how things like that work out.  As you get older life stops giving you things and starts taking them from you, now I wasn't best friends with her but she was still someone who had a small impact on my life.  She was a very stern, stubborn, amazing and strong woman who had the hearts of everyone, seriously, not one person disliked her.  Just a nice older lady who didn't take any shit.  So yeah, here's to Mona.

Im not going to write about anything else today, my Skyrim blog will come tomorrow.  bey.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11 Hours to go

So The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim has already been released, for those of you who are lucky enough to have gotten it at 12am, I give you a hearty FUCK YOU!!!!!  I'm only saying this because I wish I could have been there at 12am to receive my copy as well.  Oh well, I will continue to drink my hatorade.  Luckily I will be getting my copy tomorrow some time after I get off at work, get the family ready and then drive us all down to Modesto to pick it and then go to Victoria's Secret so that the wife can get herself something nice.  So to be realistic, I will most likely not being playing it until 8am Saturday morning due to having to sleep when we get home today after getting the game around 2pm.  But when I am finally able to play you bet your ass I am going to play a good 2 hours straight(that is a long time for a parent).

So I had an interesting conversation with one of my co-workers tonight.  She was complaining about her Boyfriend taking time off to play Skyrim, I think she said he took two days.  Then she tells us how she is taking time off to go and see the midnight showing of the new Twilight movie when it comes out.  I said that that is pretty much the same thing except for her boyfriend taking two days off instead of one and then told her that if her boyfriend had only took one day off then wouldn't that be the same thing?  She insisted that it is not due to a movie only being for 2 hours and that you can play a game longer and you don't have to play it that night.  Then I asked her, "Cant you just see a movie on another day?"  But yet she still continued to tell me that they are not the same thing.  I personally think that they are, one person is taking the night off to watch the midnight showing of a movie, the other is taking the night off to get his/her copy of a game at midnight so that they can play it.  Each person is taking a night off for their "event", seems like the same thing to me, video games and movies are both sources of entertainment and some would argue that they are in a way the same thing except for one you have more interaction in the world you are seeing.

Just out of curiosity what do my readers think about this, let me know in a comment below this post, I'm interested in hearing other people's perspective on this topic.

Until next time, later.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Class is Over and MW3

So today was pretty much the last day of my Tennis class.  On my written final i got an 80%, not bad for not studying a single day for it.  Its just that our teacher went over everything that we needed to know so much that it all sunk in.  There are two more classes but to be honest I don't think that they really matter, I doubt it will effect my grade by that much so i have decided to not go.

I have been playing Modern Warfare 3 since about yesterday, we went and picked it up and to be honest, it is even more amazing that it has been even better than what i had ever imagined.  It seems that every aspect of this game has improved from the last and there is not one part of this game that i do not like.  Well, that was a lie, there is one thing that i don't like.  It does not have a match type that MW2 had which was called Team member Deathmatch Express.  Basically it was just a shorter wait in between matches, like the regular wait was 45 seconds but in express it was only 15 seconds between matches.  But they did do something which redeems them, Infinity Ward added a new game type called Kill Confirmed.  What this mode is about is killing an opponent and picking up the dog tag that they drop, this dog tag goes towards your over all team score and your team has to pick up 65 dog tags.  The twist is that if you die next to your teammate they can pick up your dog tag and keep the other team from getting that score, you also get experience for kills and picking up dog tags.  50 experience per kill, 50 experience per enemy dog tag and 100 experience when you pick up a dead team members dog tag.  This mode is super action packed and fast paced, it really gets rid of camping because if you camp your really only hurting yourself and your team members.  I would love to talk more about this game but you really should play it for yourselves.

Well, my wife is almost done with dinner so I am leaving you, but fear not, we will be together again^_^

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reply(Comment from last post)

Just wanted to thank whoever(I wish I knew who you were) commented on my last blog, to be honest that was awesome advice, I will definitely take this and run with it.  Also on a side note, you are the first person to ever comment once of my blogs so thank you for that as well.  If you want to see what this person wrote then check out my last blog, I guess it is good advice for anyone wanting to blog and they don't really seem to have a general direction that their blog is going.

On to other things and stuff.

My Tennis class is almost up and we took our final today(yeah, a final in tennis).  That may have been the easiest test I have ever taken, if someone were to hypothetically fail that test then I am sure that our teacher would probably not want to teach ever again.  Come to think of it, I wonder if anyone has ever failed his test, I will have to ask him about this.  We are also doing skills testing which is serve, for hand return, back hand return, slam and volleys.  Once again these are pretty easy as well.  I have always been good at sports, not the best but a quick learner so this class has been a complete breeze thus far.  In fact the only reason why I have taken this class was to ensure that I get a better registration date for the spring semester since the two classes I will be taken(I think Math and Earth Science) generally fill up pretty quickly.

The funny thing about taking all of these classes now is that if I would not have been such a retard when I was originally going to school and would have pulled my head out of my ass I would not be going to school right now.  I would already have my AS in Business and be finishing up my Bachelors Degree.  I'm not complaining but I do think it is kind of funny, I do know that if I could tell my past self something it would be to get that shit done and maybe scare him in some way to ensure that he would in fact "get er done"!  Hopefully when I am done with my AS it will open some doors to help me further the education and to maybe find something different to do for a living.  We will just have to wait and see.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim comes out in three days...
I have never been excited to play an Elder Scrolls game but this time I am.  From what I have read it seems that they fixed the things that I did not like about the last game ie. having to sleep to level up, not directly telling where the skills people are and a better third person view.  Now that those things are gone I am pretty sure that I am going to like and or love this game, if I don't then I will feel retarded for spending money on this game.  But I have hyped it up so much that I have a feeling that I will be playing it for a long long time, if not forever, well maybe not forever but I think that you get my drift.

I don't usually ask questions for my readers but are there any games coming up that you are excited for, if so write them in the comments done below.  Lets get into a nerdy game talk.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hi everyone, its been a week or two since I have written anything on this blog and there is a reason...
My FUCKING adsense got disabled!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't even done anything and the best part is that there was no explanation waht so ever other than this.

The account associated with publisher ID ca-pub-5640368694994429 has been disabled. Learn more

What the fuck is this?!?!?!  Learn More?  how bout an explanation like...

"you dont get enough views" or, "you dont have enough followers" or, you dont qaulify do to..."

instead it send me to a learn more page that gives me a ton of options that it might be and still doesn't give me the exact reason why.  I didn't really even expect to make much, maybe a dollar a month if that, now I have to call their supoort line and deal with that crap.  UGH, those are some first world problems for you right^_^

On to other things that are not me ranting about nonsense and things that dont matter what so ever.

So I have been regulary posting videos on my you tube at
So far they have onyl been vlog's but I am currently in the process of looking for a good editing program so that i can make videos with actual content and function.  I think I will still record with my Fip HD until i can afford a nice camera or at least a nice regular camera that still does good enough qaulity video.  I have a bunch of ideas in my head and am looking to bring them to everyone, look forward to something fun, new and most importantly awesome.  Go to my youtube page and friend me/subscribe so that you can keep up to date with what I am doing visually.

Thats really all I have for today.