Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Class is Over and MW3

So today was pretty much the last day of my Tennis class.  On my written final i got an 80%, not bad for not studying a single day for it.  Its just that our teacher went over everything that we needed to know so much that it all sunk in.  There are two more classes but to be honest I don't think that they really matter, I doubt it will effect my grade by that much so i have decided to not go.

I have been playing Modern Warfare 3 since about yesterday, we went and picked it up and to be honest, it is even more amazing that it has been even better than what i had ever imagined.  It seems that every aspect of this game has improved from the last and there is not one part of this game that i do not like.  Well, that was a lie, there is one thing that i don't like.  It does not have a match type that MW2 had which was called Team member Deathmatch Express.  Basically it was just a shorter wait in between matches, like the regular wait was 45 seconds but in express it was only 15 seconds between matches.  But they did do something which redeems them, Infinity Ward added a new game type called Kill Confirmed.  What this mode is about is killing an opponent and picking up the dog tag that they drop, this dog tag goes towards your over all team score and your team has to pick up 65 dog tags.  The twist is that if you die next to your teammate they can pick up your dog tag and keep the other team from getting that score, you also get experience for kills and picking up dog tags.  50 experience per kill, 50 experience per enemy dog tag and 100 experience when you pick up a dead team members dog tag.  This mode is super action packed and fast paced, it really gets rid of camping because if you camp your really only hurting yourself and your team members.  I would love to talk more about this game but you really should play it for yourselves.

Well, my wife is almost done with dinner so I am leaving you, but fear not, we will be together again^_^

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