Monday, November 7, 2011


Hi everyone, its been a week or two since I have written anything on this blog and there is a reason...
My FUCKING adsense got disabled!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't even done anything and the best part is that there was no explanation waht so ever other than this.

The account associated with publisher ID ca-pub-5640368694994429 has been disabled. Learn more

What the fuck is this?!?!?!  Learn More?  how bout an explanation like...

"you dont get enough views" or, "you dont have enough followers" or, you dont qaulify do to..."

instead it send me to a learn more page that gives me a ton of options that it might be and still doesn't give me the exact reason why.  I didn't really even expect to make much, maybe a dollar a month if that, now I have to call their supoort line and deal with that crap.  UGH, those are some first world problems for you right^_^

On to other things that are not me ranting about nonsense and things that dont matter what so ever.

So I have been regulary posting videos on my you tube at
So far they have onyl been vlog's but I am currently in the process of looking for a good editing program so that i can make videos with actual content and function.  I think I will still record with my Fip HD until i can afford a nice camera or at least a nice regular camera that still does good enough qaulity video.  I have a bunch of ideas in my head and am looking to bring them to everyone, look forward to something fun, new and most importantly awesome.  Go to my youtube page and friend me/subscribe so that you can keep up to date with what I am doing visually.

Thats really all I have for today.

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