Friday, November 11, 2011

11 Hours to go

So The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim has already been released, for those of you who are lucky enough to have gotten it at 12am, I give you a hearty FUCK YOU!!!!!  I'm only saying this because I wish I could have been there at 12am to receive my copy as well.  Oh well, I will continue to drink my hatorade.  Luckily I will be getting my copy tomorrow some time after I get off at work, get the family ready and then drive us all down to Modesto to pick it and then go to Victoria's Secret so that the wife can get herself something nice.  So to be realistic, I will most likely not being playing it until 8am Saturday morning due to having to sleep when we get home today after getting the game around 2pm.  But when I am finally able to play you bet your ass I am going to play a good 2 hours straight(that is a long time for a parent).

So I had an interesting conversation with one of my co-workers tonight.  She was complaining about her Boyfriend taking time off to play Skyrim, I think she said he took two days.  Then she tells us how she is taking time off to go and see the midnight showing of the new Twilight movie when it comes out.  I said that that is pretty much the same thing except for her boyfriend taking two days off instead of one and then told her that if her boyfriend had only took one day off then wouldn't that be the same thing?  She insisted that it is not due to a movie only being for 2 hours and that you can play a game longer and you don't have to play it that night.  Then I asked her, "Cant you just see a movie on another day?"  But yet she still continued to tell me that they are not the same thing.  I personally think that they are, one person is taking the night off to watch the midnight showing of a movie, the other is taking the night off to get his/her copy of a game at midnight so that they can play it.  Each person is taking a night off for their "event", seems like the same thing to me, video games and movies are both sources of entertainment and some would argue that they are in a way the same thing except for one you have more interaction in the world you are seeing.

Just out of curiosity what do my readers think about this, let me know in a comment below this post, I'm interested in hearing other people's perspective on this topic.

Until next time, later.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, those are two things that they enjoy are their priorities are the same. She just doesn't want to admit it because she is a girl and that's how they are. Now i would not take two days off of work to play a video game, but i see the reasoning and excitement for taking the night off to go to a movie or to pick up a game you have been waiting for (but just the night, not two days). So I say two days off is different then one night off for a midnight showing and midnight pick up! In life if you do not get excited for things you love and if you do not embrace them then where is the fun in life! live a little have fun in life if you can!
