Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Little Stressed

So, we are doing the BIG move on Wednesday the 21st , my last day at my current job is on Saturday the 17th and my start date at my new job is unknown.  So it has me a little stressed out.  I was told that it would take about 2 weeks for my background stuff to go thru and it has been two weeks as of today.  I'm hoping that I get a call from them real soon with a start date so that I can get some of this weight off of my shoulders, or else I will have to look for some kind of work in Oakhurst until my new job calls me and tells me when I can get my sweet buns in there and work.  Anyone know anywhere haha.

On to other things, less stressfull things.

I have gotten back into playing Skyrim since they fixed the many problems that it was having and let me say, I missed Skyrim sooooooooooooooo much.  It's such an awesome game and just all out amazing.  As to my other broken game, well, it is still broken and that makes me sad.  I really really want to play kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the game is fucking amazing but ti does not work, hopefully there will be some kind of a patch issued by them soon because i would really really like to start playing that game again T_T

Here comes some quickie news.

I watched the complete first season of Game of Thrones and it was awesome, I recommend all of you go and watch it right now.

My son Mikel yelled at me tonight before I went to work and said, "DADDY, Get down".  It was the funniest thing ever.

My wife and I have been watching this BBC show Misfits.  It's about these delinquents on probation who have super powers.  It's hilarious, crude, dark and Witty.  Go watch it on HULU.

My last indoor soccer game will be this Monday, lets hope I score a goal.

Until next time.

Monday, March 12, 2012


and Boxes and Boxes and Boxes...

That is how my day is going to go tomorrow, one box after the other full of stuff that my wife, kids and I have acquired over the past two years.  The goal for tomorrow is going to be six boxes, should be pretty easy to say the least, it's just a boring task, not to mention repetitive.  The big move with a moving van and all that jazz should be happening on March 21st, that one is going to be exciting and sucky at the same time, at least after that is done there will only be one more thing to do.  That thing is clean the damn house and be done with it, drop it like a bad habit.  I'm sure my wife and I will have a splendid time cleaning that damn house, hopefully I can get my parents to watch our boys so we can just knock out all of the cleaning in a timely manner.

Over the years I have learned that no matter how much you clean and what not, the property management or the actual landlord will just have it professionally done anyways.  Thus taking more money out of the deposit that you originally paid to get in said house.  The other thing is that 8/10 times the landlord or property management will try to F you over as much as they can.  It's almost like it's their goal to make sure that you get the least amount as possible with them doing the least amount of work as possible.  For example; the property management that we go thru has it in our contract that we can have the carpets done professionally on our own at our own expense which sucks balls.  Or they can do it themselves, but here is where they get you, and this is actually in our contract mind you.  They will charge $100 dollars just to call a company to come and clean the carpets.  That's right folks, we get charged $100 F-ing dollars for them to make a five to ten minute phone call.  What kind of shit is that!  I wouldn't be surprised if they had a "most money taken from a deposit" contest and they are always trying to break the highest amount.  Now I want to know what it is, maybe the person who gets the most out of a deposit gets a bonus at the end of the year.  I hope our person wins.

So, what I was trying to get at before I went off the deep end is this.

Your landlord and/or property management doesn't not want to give that deposit back, they will take as much as they can from it.  That is a FACT!!!!!  Remember these words of wisdom.

Good bey.


I've been trying to make more content for my youtube page( latley and it's going a little slower then I expected.  However I have been enjoying the content that I have been putting out, I have also been paying attention to other people's pages as well.  Im kind of trying to get an idea for trends and other things that I think my demographic would enjoy seeing from me.  As of right now I am only putting out vlogs and Modern Warfare 3 gameplay, the hard part is trying to do something witht hose two that have not been done yet.  So many people are doing the same thing that i am doing that sometimes it makes it hard to come up with some fresh ideas.  But, I am still trying and am satisfied with what I am putting out, I just have to find a way to put out content on a more consistent basis.  I know I have touched on this before but I am still working on getting some editing software so that i can eventually make actual videos that have substance, story and some comedy in them.  It's coming, I promise.

Onto other news.

We finally got the keys to our new place in Oakhurst, we went down Friday and payed the first months rent and put some boxes inside the place.  Now to do the big huge move that I am definetly not looking forward to in any way shape or form, trust me, it's going to suck.  I dont mind moving persay, but when it comes to the physical act of "moving", well that's when I start to not like it.  Luckily I have a bunch of friends who can help out with the move so that should make it less of a chore and more of a fun thing to do.  Who knows, maybe we can have a big going away party in the empty house that we are moving from, that would be pretty awesome.

Another thing.

I want to find musicians to play some music with.  That is all.

Good bey

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Packing Sucks


My wife and I are in the middle of packing for our move to Oakhurst Ca since I recently got a new job that requires us to move to the small town.  We are both excited about the move, but the packing part is killing us.  It's crazy how much crap you find out you really own when you start to pack it all into boxes.  I mean, I thought we were pretty good on the, "Not having shit we don't need" side, but boy was I wrong about that.  Luckily we have till the end of the month to be out of our place so we have plenty of time to pack.  It just feels very arduous and annoying to have to put everything into boxes, move it and then unpack it all once again.  The funny thing is that we will probably be doing this in another year because we both plan on buying a house when our year long lease is over at the condo we are going to rent.  Anyways, moving sucks so onto a different topic.

Pay day is tomorrow and I could not be happier for it.  We don't really need the money or anything but gosh dang it I still love pay day.  It's like a mini Christmas that you had to work for.  The only down side is having to give that money to your bills every dang month, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I should be hearing from my new job soon pertaining to my start date.  It's been a week since I turned in my back grounds packet and they said about a week or two, I'm hoping that it will coincide nicely with my last day at my current job.  To be honest, I would very much like to go to work at the new job as soon as possible.  I'm excited to learn about this new casino, it's always exciting to see how a casino runs as a whole and to see how it's employee's like working at said casino.  This has always been something that has excited me.  It's kind of weird but once you have worked in a casino for a while you will understand how a casino employee feels going from one casino to another.  I typed the word "casino" a shit load of times in those above sentences.

Well, that is all for today.  Until next time my pretties!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Most Awesome Thing

So, if you have read my post on the PS3 game Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning then you already know all of the troubles I have been having with it.  Well, I made a youtube video showcasing what has been happening to me and posted it on the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning facebook page.  Well guess what?  They commented on that post saying they were sorry for the trouble's I was having and also posted a link that I could go to so that I could post the video in their forums in hope's of it getting fixed by the dev's.  Oh my lantis, this issue was pissing me off due to the fact that i actually really like this game a lot, it's fun, plays great and looks amazing.  What they did has totally redeemed 38 Studios in my mind.  Instead of ignoring me they helped me out, submitted my problem and showed me where I could submit my problem.  They were totally kind and understanding of what was going on.  38 Studios has made a lifetime fan out of me, I will always buy there game's because they are fun and now I know how far they are willing to go for their fans and customers.  I just wanted to post an update to the problem I was having, that's really all this post is, it's also a thank you to 38 Studios.

Until next time.