Thursday, March 8, 2012

Packing Sucks


My wife and I are in the middle of packing for our move to Oakhurst Ca since I recently got a new job that requires us to move to the small town.  We are both excited about the move, but the packing part is killing us.  It's crazy how much crap you find out you really own when you start to pack it all into boxes.  I mean, I thought we were pretty good on the, "Not having shit we don't need" side, but boy was I wrong about that.  Luckily we have till the end of the month to be out of our place so we have plenty of time to pack.  It just feels very arduous and annoying to have to put everything into boxes, move it and then unpack it all once again.  The funny thing is that we will probably be doing this in another year because we both plan on buying a house when our year long lease is over at the condo we are going to rent.  Anyways, moving sucks so onto a different topic.

Pay day is tomorrow and I could not be happier for it.  We don't really need the money or anything but gosh dang it I still love pay day.  It's like a mini Christmas that you had to work for.  The only down side is having to give that money to your bills every dang month, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I should be hearing from my new job soon pertaining to my start date.  It's been a week since I turned in my back grounds packet and they said about a week or two, I'm hoping that it will coincide nicely with my last day at my current job.  To be honest, I would very much like to go to work at the new job as soon as possible.  I'm excited to learn about this new casino, it's always exciting to see how a casino runs as a whole and to see how it's employee's like working at said casino.  This has always been something that has excited me.  It's kind of weird but once you have worked in a casino for a while you will understand how a casino employee feels going from one casino to another.  I typed the word "casino" a shit load of times in those above sentences.

Well, that is all for today.  Until next time my pretties!

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