Tuesday, December 6, 2011

School, Soccer and Gaming Issues

I recently registered for my next set of classes out at Columbia College in Sonora, CA.  This next term should be fun but draining at the same time due to having to work, go to school and dot he whole family thing.  Not to mention that I have like an hour in a half wait between classes that I could be sleeping, poo, but oh well, such is life.  I am enrolled for some math class that I need for my general ed requirement and then a drama class as well to meet the general ed.  I am currently going to school to try and finish up my AS in Business since I finally know what I want to do, not to mention that even just having an AS degree opens up a couple more doors for me business wise and financially.  The only bad part is the lack of classes I can take per term due to my schedule so I wont be done till like early 2013.  But I will get this done, if the world doesn't end any time soon I WILL need this degree in order to achieve the goals that I have set for myself.


We had our in door league tonight and we won, the only downside was I let like five goals go by while I was goalie.  I realize that we won and I should be happy with that but my performance was sub par.  I have always been my worst critic, especially when it comes to sports due to this crazy competitive side that I have.  A lot of times if I don't do well enough to the standards that I have set up in my head then it really doesn't feel like a win at all.  If I have to rely on my teammates to give me goal support so that we can win then I'm not really doing my job as goalie to well.  Right?  Anyways, I really just want to play the team that we played during our first game so that I can redeem myself by not letting them tie it up this time and the game ending in a draw.  That sucked!

And then on to the Gaming side.

Skyrim has been giving me issues as of lately so I checked IGN.com for articles on it and apparently it's not just me getting these issues.  As of recent gamers and other gaming outlets have noticed and logged the game have sever frame rate issues once the file size gets larger and larger.  New games aren't really affected it just seems to be once you pass a certain memory size for your save file.  I know personally I have had slight frame rate issues but the thing that has been bugging me the most is that at times when I exit or enter a house or building the game will freeze on me and I have to reset my PS3.  Now I know that in comparison to real problems like world hunger and other bigger issues this is just a very small if not nothing issue that would only affect a first world country.  But it seems I'm not the only one who this is happening to.  Bethesda(Makers of Skyrim along with Fallout and various other games) has put a patch for the game on the PS3 already but will be issuing even more patches int he weeks and maybe even months to come.  So there is hope that this issue will be fixed, its just waiting for the ISSUE to be fixed that has people perturbed.

Well, that's all for tonight, until next time.

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