Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Un-Happy

Oh my lanta, even when you try to make others happy and what not they still find a way to make something into a negative, it's annoying.

Onto other things, one sentence rant is finished.

My youngest son has started rolling over, its amazing and at the same time scary because sooner then later he is going to start crawling and after that walking and then terrorizing the house along with his older brother.  I think that they are expertly set up to be partners in crime for sure, if not, then mortal enemies.  The end outcome has yet to be decided.  To be honest I cant wait to enroll them into sports, my hope is that sooner or later they will be on the same team and I can watch them tag team it up like little boss's and just be little sports stars.  Or they will beat up the kids that mess with them, either way it will be awesome.

The band I am currently in is still on a Hiatus of sorts, our drummer is getting married this week, then they have a honeymoon and then hopefully we can get back into making music.  I know I am looking forward to this because I have been feeling super music depraved as of lately, I need it in my life or I will go crazy, that's a fact.  Until this moment I will have to wait, definitely not patiently but in some way shape and form.

Oh, and one other thing...

ITS MY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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